The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) distinguishes between guiding students through the content of their program and artistic development, and supervising their study progress.

The guidance of the student's artistic development takes place continuously, through ongoing discussions between students and teachers about their work and work processes.

Students’ study progress is discussed with mentors and coaches. (In the propaedeutic year the coach is referred to as mentor). If students wish to talk confidentially, they can consult KABK's student counsellors.


Mentors guide students in the propaedeutic year and meet with students at least twice a year. The mentor is a teacher of the relevant discipline. The tasks of the mentor focus on the following:

  • discussing the student’s study progress;
  • discussing the assessment of the first semester;
  • discussing the assessment of the second semester;
  • keeping a concise record of the date and content of the conversations.

In case the student's study progress is negatively affected by particular personal circumstances (illness, handicaps, family matters, financial issues, or any factor that might cause delays in the study), the student is strongly recommended to discuss these with the mentor or the student counsellor as soon as possible. These can then be considered and possibly taken into account when important decisions (e.g. on the binding study recommendation) are taken.


The following types of coaches are available to students in the main phase of their study programme:

Individual coach

Students are assigned individual coaches. These coaches discuss at least once per semester the individual study progress with the student, as well as their study plan for the next semester.

IST coach

An IST coach is a teacher of the relevant discipline who focuses on IST guidance. The IST coach discusses and approves the IST plans, assesses and evaluates the IST plan after completion and records ECs.

Internship coordinator

Students are assigned an internship coordinator who acts as a coach, and who will contact the organisation providing the internship position at least two times during the internship period (approximately in the middle and at the end) to monitor and evaluate the progress of the internship. The internship coordinator is responsible for the process of the internship and subsequent evaluation.