The University of the Arts The Hague (which is made up of the KABK and the Royal Conservatoire) has a unique collaboration with Leiden University. The collaboration is realised in the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA), which provides artistic research and education in the arts.
In addition to research in and by way of the arts, the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) offers academic (art) education and art subjects for academics as well as cultural events at the cutting edge of art and knowledge.
Two KABK lectorates are devoted to artistic research:
- the Lectorate Art Theory & Practice (Lectoraat KTP)
- the Lectorate Design of prof. dr. Alice Twemlow.
In artistic research, otherwise known as practice-based research, practical handling (the making) and theoretical reflection (the thinking) go hand in hand. In this type of research, one cannot exist without the other, in the same way that making and thinking are inextricably linked in artistic practice. This is what makes artistic research considerably different to research into the arts (which includes art history, music, theatre or film science, cultural studies and performance studies).