Graphic Design x STAB
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Foundation of Independent Court Experts in Environmental and Planning Law (Stichting Advisering Bestuursrechtspraak voor Milieu en Ruimtelijke Ordening, STAB), a publication is being developed.
This publication provides space for various perspectives on the work of STAB. From this need, a handshake was made to the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) from which a collaboration arose with students of the Master Photography & Society (MAPS) and students following the Design Office (DO) elective of the Bachelor Graphic Design.
Both groups of students have immersed themselves in the subject matter of STAB and are working in their own way on a contribution to the publication that will appear in the autumn of 2021.
STAB is an independent organization that operates within environmental law. STAB consists of a group of experts who impartially and objectively look at the facts and circumstances involved in a case and report to the court. STAB investigates cases in the area of the environment and spatial planning, for example the construction of a wind farm or freeway, nuisance from smells or noise, discharge of waste water, or effects of radiation. STAB is an independent foundation and can only be called upon by courts and the Council of State. Because private parties cannot engage them, STAB can guarantee its independent position.
Design Office is an elective course within the Bachelor Graphic Design. In Design Office, students work both as a team and individually with real clients. From briefing, design proposals, work visits, discussions, presentations to planning, budget and delivery, the students go through the entire process. The students gain experience in the field in preparation for professional practice after the academy.
The collaboration between STAB and DO is divided over two semesters. Within the two semesters they work within the overarching theme of "Out of Office", a nod to the current pandemic.
Graphic Design students were guided by teachers Chantal Hendriksen and Nikki Gonnissen.
'Out of Office' manifesto
In semester 1, students began by creating a visual presentation in the area of environmental law. The goal was not to directly refute STAB visually, but rather to represent and translate the tension of the field of work in form and image. The 1st semester concluded with a digital presentation of the developed manifesto to STAB.
The students of the second semester have further developed this manifesto and are working together with STAB and towards the publication which also incorporates students' work from the collaboration STAB x Master Photography and Society.

Project details