'Who Has Told Her That We Belong To Her?', Samira Saidi

Performance installation that discusses notions of the body as the archive and the archive in the body.

Samira Saidi
‘Who Has Told Her That We Belong To Her?‘, Samira Saidi 2018 - photo: Charlotte Brand

‘Who Has Told Her That We Belong To Her?‘ explores the reconnection of histories within the body through the act of listening.

Through the recollection of family stories the work attempts to unfold the archive that has manifested within the body. Language and migration as the uncommon denominator, yet the foundation of family it revolves around the search for belonging and identity.
Samira Saidi

'Yokhor', Natalia Papaeva

Natalia Papaeva
'Yokhor', Natalia Papaeva 2018

'I forgot my mother tongue. And I am not the only one. Many people in my native Buryatia (Siberia) are losing their language. The Buryat language is one of nearly 2600 languages likely to disappear. Of all 6000 languages in the world, 43% are endangered and I am going through this process myself. In my performance, I am singing two sentences from a Buryat traditional song. The only two sentences I remember.'
Natalia Papaeva

'Variations on a remote room', Leonardo Scarin

Variations on a remote room, Leonardo Scarin 2021
Variations on a remote room, Leonardo Scarin 2021

‘Variations on a remote room’ is a series of digitized living spaces belonging to his friends and loved ones he could not meet physically in the past year. The work is composed by a number of photogrammetries made in remote collaboration and⁠ placed into a Virtual Reality environment where the viewers can inhabit, explore, and touch the digital spaces, as well as listening to the personal stories and soundscapes of the rooms.⁠
Leonardo Scarin

'LIMB-O', Marlot Meyer

LIMB-O, Marlot Meyer 2020
LIMB-O, Marlot Meyer 2020

Information is everywhere, yet we rely increasingly on the mind of a computer and the power of the image. We separate virtual from physical, mind from body, input from output, knowledge from feeling, technology from nature and individual from collective. However, in 'LIMB-O' we experience that one intimately and inescapably involves the other.
Marlot Meyer

I/M/D x Living Lab Scheveningen

‘Data Flaneur’ Smart City concept by third year I/M/D students
‘Data Flaneur’ Smart City concept by third year I/M/D students: Marco Dell'Abate , Xiaoyao Ma, Jeroen Meijer 2021

The 'Data Flâneur' creates a visceral experience of data collection in the smart city. New sensory technologies enable the city to become aware of the sounds, sights and movements of its citizens. But these new streams of data are obscured from the public. This interactive installation uses light to make the invisible visible through poetic and engaging interactions, revealing the traces you leave behind in the digital world. Not only does the experience make us more aware of the data we are sharing with the city, it also stimulates a fresh state of awareness of our surroundings.

'Candlelight Vigil', Jeong Hyeon Ghim

Animation ‘Anecdote; 15-72025287‘ as part of the installation ‘Candlelight Vigil’, Jeong Hyeon Ghim 2021

'Candlelight Vigil' reflects the influence of military dictatorship from the 60s to 90s on Korean society, especially how the hierarchical division in social groups is reinforced through various restrictions of bodily movement. This restriction leads to the singularity of thoughts, views, and perspectives as they hinder fluid communication between different positions.

The work consists of a sculpture, an animation, and a panoramic film which, as a whole, convey - the resistance against bodily restrictions is the key to recover the individuality and plurality of ideas.

'Unity', Nikki Hes

Nikki Hes
‘Unity’ - Nikki Hes 2017

'Unity' is a cooperative two-player-meta-video game. On the surface, its aesthetics and controls are familiar, although players quickly realise it challenges the linear structure of video games by breaking patterns and expectations of the medium. On a social level, it is an experiment which, through humour and satire, aims to highlight how much trust and power we give to this highly lucrative industry.
Nikki Hes

'The Social Media Body', Luiza Awad, Zofia Krzyzanowska

‘The Social Media Body’, Luiza Awad, Zofia Krzyzanowska 2021
‘The Social Media Body’, Luiza Awad, Zofia Krzyzanowska 2021
‘The Social Media Body’
‘The Social Media Body’, Luiza Awad, Zofia Krzyzanowska 2021

‘The Social Media Body’ is a VR installation for children (6-14 years), teaching them the pitfalls of social media in a playful way. Designed by IMD 3rd year students Luiza and Zofia, the installation will be shown at the Cinekid Media Festival 2022.

'Compositions of unbroken flows', Ella Hebendanz

‘Compositions of unbroken flows’, Ella Hebendanz 2021

‘Compositions of unbroken flows’ invites the audience to an audio-visual journey through a landscape of thoughts on materiality and fluidity. Exploring the beautiful chaotic discourse on corporeal entanglement, the borders and boundaries of the individual body are questioned.
Ella Hebendanz

I/M/D Lunch lecture series: World-Quake

World-Quake lecture series 2021
World-Quake lecture series 2021
World-Quake lecture series 2022
World-Quake lecture series 2022

'World-Quake' is an open lecture series, streaming event and think-tank for knowledge production that takes a closer look at artistic creation and participation as a tool for social and cultural critique and call for action. Recordings of the second edition will be available as of mid-May at https://world-quake.kabk.nl/

alba amicorum 2021-2022