Studium Generale: Overwintering; practices for pacing, hibernating and idling
Studium Generale is an academy-wide platform for second year students at KABK that is intended to expose you to relevant discourses and dialogues occurring within and adjacent to art and design practices. Each cycle focuses on a specific topic or theme organized by a curator/researcher.
This semester's cycle Overwintering, curated by Jules Davis Dufayard and Angela Jerardi, brings together artistic and academic contributions to learn from crip time, carework, and mutual aid, and asks us to connect these practices to more-than-human livelihoods. Thinking through chronopolitics, Overwintering will reflect on ideas of slowness and idleness both in a potentially liberating or anticapitalist frame, in which bodies do not behave and resist capture, but also through debility, chronic illness and the obscuring capacities of slow violence. Embracing the seasonal time of late winter, we want to encourage students to intentionally slow down and make space for rest.
Thursday 13 February, 18:00-19:45: sedimenting in the times of clay - Lina Bravo Mora
Location: Auditorium
sedimenting in the times of clay is an invitation for participants to hold a ball of clay in their hands and to delve into themselves and the memories of clay which our bodies hold, through the awareness of touch. Our bodies become porous, these membranes letting through the stories of macro relations that have shaped clay over geological time.
The clay that comes to sit under your fingernails travelled along the halls of the art academy, perhaps pulled from a trash can and hydrated back to life. But its movement stretches much farther and deeper than we humans can sense, becoming known to us in the sludge dredged from the harbor near Amsterdam, or bit by bit eroding from the bank of the Maas River, or neatly vacuum-sealed as a large brick for your next project after its extraction in a mine, all the while its mineralized life cohabitating with sand, silt and loam. Clay comes from a place, and actually forms those places.
Lina Bravo Mora comes from Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia and now lives in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She is an artist and facilitator working with clay, water, soil, food and fire, researching visions and sensations on the geologies of touch, and our not-so-innocent entanglements with the territories we inhabit, dream of, and/or are part of. With a background in social anthropology, critical pedagogies, and creative conflict transformation, and now learning about generative somatics and embodiment for social justice.
Previous events
For the first event of our programme: Overwintering: practices for pacing, hibernating, and idling we will be joined by guest artist Angelo Custodio, who will share his work …in spiralling waters:
In a body~phobic world, monsters are too few to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the ordinary hums of the common chorus. Its turbulent currents, of a dominant affect tone, echo in a collective shrug turned tidal wave. The vortex murmurs synchronised gestures of unquestioned movement. Unstable and theatrical, we exist as whirlpools, temporary bodies trembling with rupture and reverberation.
…in spiralling waters invites the audience to drift into the depths, where listening becomes quantum.
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… in spiralling waters - Angelo Custódio
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sedimenting in the times of clay - Lina Bravo Mora
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The Sick Garden - Toni Kritzer
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