01/10/2015 Studium Generale lecture-performance 'Clowns' - Geo Wyeth

'Clowns –A new poetic work by HW Clobba'

Geo Wyeth embraces a lack of structural concepts in their practice. Their evocative, narrative songs and high-energy, empathic performances and videos center on the manipulation of voice and body, their performances unfolding through various personae, moods, and ways of being.

Bio - Geo Wyeth is an American-born musician and artist, currently working with music, performance, installation, and video. Presented at LA Museum of Contemporary Art, The New Museum, MoMA PS1, New York Live Arts, The Studio Museum in Harlem, Boston ICA, Kate Werble Gallery, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, La MaMa Theatre, and Human Resources. Grants from Art Matters, the Jerome Foundation, and a two-time Yaddo fellow. Geo is currently artist in residence at the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam. Geo’s latest record Rich Kit[Hen was released in December 2015.

Poster for the KABK Studium Generale lecture 'Clowns –A new poetic work by HW Clobba' by Geo Wyeth
Studium Generale lecture series 'We Are The Narcissistic Generation' poster design by Gilles de Brock



Thu 1 October 2015 16.00 - 17:30


KABK Auditorium