During the annual ResearchLabs, Eye hosts students from art schools and universities who come together to present their work. This year’s Research lab at the KABK focused on Cyber Breach.
Students from different art schools and universities are asked to put together a programme featuring their own work and films from Eye's collection. ResearchLabs do not follow a strict format and often result in a cultural crossover between film and other art forms. The academies participating in the ResearchLabs are Sandberg Institute, Piet Zwart Institute, Rietveld Academie, Leiden University, Royal Academy of Art The Hague, University of Amsterdam, Master of Film (Netherlands Film Academy), AKI (ArtEZ), VR Academy and Master Institute of Visual Cultures (St. Joost School of Art & Design).
Cyber Breach
We can connect with anyone at any time, but what does this really mean? Does it give our relationships with people more value? In this programme, we explore these changes in interactions between humans, as well as between humans and machines.
The world has changed; the virtual has crossed the boundary of the physical world. The Internet has made our experience of reality much broader. On the other hand, it has fragmented our experience of reality and made us question that reality itself. We now have daily contact with non-human entities, something that many science fiction films fantasized about. There are many different views on this topic and The Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague is very excited to host you.
For this year's edition, the KABK Research lab has produced the following projects:
Research lab tutors/supervisors: Anna Abrahams & Jan Frederik Groot
by Jona Nuijen
by Gigi Kraan, João Soares, Giuseppe Bartolone
By Kaat van Spaendonck, Madelon de Wagenaar
by Olivia Huynh
By Zuzanna Antonina Wieczorek, Agnes Breits
By Ties de Knegt & Martina J. Parma Munõz
By Ingrid Briana Costan & Rubing Dong. Sound Design Eduard Litu & Theodor Pau
Louise Ørnstedt, Luca Jones, Viktoria Chocholová, Julie Hanuliakova
About the KABK Research labs
The Research labs are part of the IST-plan (Individual Study Track) offered to KABK students as an opportunity to customise their studies. A wide range of projects is organised each year within the Research and Material labs and can be joined in the context of IST.
The Research labs are experimental and research based interdisciplinary working groups, offered by one or more departments and/or research domains. In the labs, the research orientation of the programs is further explored and deepened by encouraging students to collaborate on particular themes, with students and teachers from other disciplines .
Eye on Art is a programme on the intersection between film and other arts. Eye on Art keeps up with current events, with presentations on contemporary artists and programmes that coincide with important exhibitions, manifestations and Eye activities.
Eye on Art's Research Labs provide scope for a new generation of curators and artists to hone their skills. Students from different art academies and universities are asked to put together a programme featuring their own work and films (including remixes) from Eye’s collection. Research Labs do not follow a strict format and often result in a cultural crossover between film and other art forms.