4th year students Graphic Design present WIP

The Bachelor's in Graphic Design invites you to be the spectators of our graduation process from 17 May to 19 May in Paradise, a collab venue of West and The Hague. Here you can peek into 42 ways of unfolding one’s practice.

Graphic design holds a broad range of properties that can be used and repurposed. Stemming from the exploration of typography, curation, image-making, publication and performance, we use design to hack, recover and reflect. We aim to exchange with a larger audience through design and communication. How far can we go?


Abel van As
Aliona Ciobanu
Amber de Ronde
Anna Voola Marcussen
Antonia Klimsza
Balázs Milánik
Bartosz Pierscinski
Beren Tezcanli
Daan Jonker
Dans Jirgensons
Diana Jeremejeva
Elisa de la Serna Gallego
Elze Vilkelyte
Emma Hopchet
Esther Peronnet
Francisco Sebire Munk
Iben Hegreberg
Idil Alpa
Inge Maier
Jaan Pavliuk
Jade Akkerman
Jim Olijkan
Jiwon Suh
Jiye Kim
Julie Sørensen
Kelly Martijn
Lara Silva Santos
Loïs van Spijk
Lucas Mainieri Franco
Lucky Kim
Lucy Gengler
Maya Kurella
Mina Kamburova
Moto Sasaki
Nova Lie
Paulina Cywoniuk
Rocío González Batallánez
Sonya Umanskaia
Stefaniia Bodnia
Taotao Li
Trang Quynh Le
William Kosse


Dans Jirgensons



Fri 17 May 2024 00.00 - Sun 19 May 2024 00.00


Paradise, Groenewegje 136, 2515 LR The Hague

More info

17.05.2024: 18:00-22:00
Exhibition hours:
17.05.2024: 18:00-22:00
18.05.2024: 12:30-20:00
19.05.2024: 12:30-19:00

Entrance fee
