INSIDE at MuseumNacht Rotterdam
During the MuseumNight Rotterdam on March 4, Master Interior Architecture (INSIDE) students create a decision-making laboratory, ein Entscheidungslabor in the Goethe Institute.
Visitors will be able to participate in the decision making process of current issues in German society. The students are researching the design of decision-making within the character of a space. Participants of the decision-making laboratory will experience these influences of design within a space.
Decision-making laboratory / Entscheidungslabor is a project by the Master Interior Architecture INSIDE of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague for Goethe Institute Rotterdam with the participation of: REFUNC - SUPERUSE - MVRDV - Lotte van den Berg - Mauricio Freyre - Anne Hoogewoning - Erik Jutten - Hans Venhuizen.