If you are already studying at the KABK and want information about the application procedure of studying or doing an internship abroad, you can contact our international exchange office at exchange@kabk.nl.
You will find the application procedure for an internship abroad on the KABK Portal.
Kies een programma
- Bachelor Grafisch Ontwerpen
- Master ArtScience
- Voorbereidend Jaar
- Bachelor Fotografie (vt & dt)
- Bachelor Beeldende Kunst (vt & dt)
- Exchange: Inkomende studenten
- Exchange: Uitgaande studenten - Studie
- Bachelor Interieurarchitectuur en Meubelontwerpen
- Master Type and Media
- Bachelor ArtScience
- Master Interior Architecture (INSIDE)
- Bachelor Interactive Media Design
- Bachelor Textiel en Mode
- Master Industrial Design
- Master Non Linear Narrative
- Master Artistic Research
- Kidsclub
- Oriëntatiecursus
- School voor Jong Talent
- Samenwerking met VO-scholen (Kunstplan)